Phong Dien Floating Market

Phong Dien floating market is located on Can Tho river, in Phong Dien town, about 17 km away from Can Tho city to the Southeast. Phong Dien floating market is the place where trades many agricultural products such as oranges, tangerines, mangoes, star apples, rose-apples, durians, mangosteens etc. Phong Dien floating market tour is selected by many foreigners to visit the market or travel through small ditches to witness the daily life of the local people and enjoy the pure and cool atmosphere of a peaceful countryside.

The market is usually grouped at about 4-5 am when the sun is just growing and the market. Phong Dien floating market also has a very rich culinary space such as fluffy duck eggs, vermicelli grilled meat, duck salad, and vermicelli … In the morning, sitting on crabs to breathe the fresh air of tomorrow morning to enjoy bowl noodles on the floating market.

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